Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Polly Pocket and dots

Today I made a really random connection.

A few months ago I wrote about how much I love dots. So much so that if I come across anything dotty, in shops, on people's clothing, on ads, logos and photos, I'm compelled to stop, stare and appreciate. I even say out loud to whoever cares, 'I love dots.' And it's true - I really do love dots!

Anyway I never understood why I like dots so much. I'm the type of person who likes to muse about why people are how they are based on their experiences and what not. But I guess for me, I'm not so good at looking at myself reflectively and thinking why I like the things I do.

Well, out of nowhere, today when I got home, I started thinking about toys that I used to love playing with as a kid. Something very personal about me? My favourite toy of all time was the Polly Pocket range. For those not familiar with this range, it's basically a toy line of dolls and accessories which were first designed by a man in 1983 who created a small house for a tiny doll for his daughter. The best part about this story was he used a powder compact to create this house!

From this idea, Polly Pocket was born and a huge bunch of mini Polly Pocket dolls were played and appreciated by little kids like me worldwide. I loved the fact the dolls were so small and simple and lived in pocket sized cases I could carry around my neck.

Honestly I was in love with this exact piece.

For those not so familiar with Polly Pocket, this is Polly Pocket Lulu and her Seaside Locket. When I was in early primary school, I absolutely loved this toy. Just thinking about how fond I was of this tiny little thing (and seriously, it was that tiny) makes me really happy and kind of sad as well because I'm not sure where she and her home are :( I think I know where to look but I'll have to leave that for a rainy day when I have hours to look through a huge plastic tub under my bed which contains everything meaningful from my childhood that I couldn't throw away... because I'm a sucker for sentimental things.

I used to draw portraits of myself and my sisters on tiny pieces of note paper, rip them into little squares and place them behind the inside of the top cover so our faces would smile down at Lulu. Also I'd play with my big sister because she owned a larger home for her own Polly Pocket who lived in this big blue mansion and her doll would visit my doll and they'd lie down on the beach together.

Seriously, we had a blast with these tiny 1cm dolls back in the early 90s!

Anyway I could talk on and on about these dolls but I just wanted to say that the moment I laid eyes on this image of Lulu today I realised exactly where my love for dots came from.

Plus the funny thing is that I actually bought this exact patterned top last year and didn't even realise the connection until now.

Thank you Polly Pocket :)

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