Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Know that I adore you

There's one artist that I never ever tire of.

His groove, rhythm and smoothness makes my heart swoon and skin crawl because of how soulful he is.

For those who have never heard of American artist Miguel, you need to start you-tubing his music immediately!

Some useful suggestions FYI:

Start with his recent performance on David Letterman of Adorn - I love how he moves and sings with such emotion. Watching him makes it really hard to look anywhere else. It might just be me but I swear I developed a huge girl crush on him when the lights went up and he fell to his knees.

Follow this with a look at his sexy track Do You... which features him and his girlfriend in black and white. I love how trippy it sounds.

And finally, my all time favourite track by Miguel - Sure Thing.

Love love love x

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

'If I should have a daughter...'

Tonight I had the pleasure of listening to a really inspirational poet called Sarah Kay.

Never mind it was on my small computer screen where the video paused halfway to buffer. Never mind it was only 18 minutes. I'm so thankful to have stumbled over it after seeing that my cousin had recommended one of her speeches on TED last year.

The things she said during that speech really moved me. She described things with such fluidlity; in a way that females as daughters, sisters, mothers and loved ones can only understand. The words of wisdom that make us roll our eyes, yet if we take a second to reflect realise there is a grain of truth to it or at least a good intention of care that comes from someone who really cares, in a way only a mother can for a daughter.

Not only that but listening to the way she describes life and its experience with such wonderment, I really enjoyed it. To look at the way we grow older and lose that innocence and awe of life, it's sad. Because there's so much that is beautiful about this world. The way a stranger can smile to another. Or the way you help another in a way you would of your loved one. It's about those connections we share in those moments.
Anyway listen to her speech and stick around till the end to hear her second poem 'Hiroshima'. She's so inspirational.

10 things I know to be true

1. I get moved easily by things, thoughts and gestures.

2. I give people the benefit of the doubt, rather than doubting them in the first place.

3. I prefer not to talk 80 percent of the time.

4. I wish I had a job I felt more productive in.

5. I like elephants, mushrooms and octopus (toys).

6. I wish I could go far away and walk amongst trees

7. I hate explaining myself or being made to feel bad for not doing something.

8. I try to be a good friend.

9. I avoid people I don't want to talk to.

10. I hope one day I'll find something that settles my heart and mind.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Can you reach me from across the globe?

Just arrived back from a 5 day adventure in Singapore. I booked the tickets last minute because I was waiting for something to wrap up and so it did, just in time too!

So many good memories. So many things to look back and quietly smile at :) One of the key moments was racing across the bridge on foot to jump on the Singapore Flyer before it closed at 1015pm. Although our hearts were pounding, our feet were aching and the heat was suffocating us - we still managed to laugh hysterically about it during our dash, and made it- possibly because the ticketing lady saw the gallons of sweat pouring down our faces. I never thought I would run like that for the world's largest observation wheel!

But honestly it was well worth the run! The view was absolutely stunning, we were practically the only ones in the capsule and it felt like the perfect way to spend our final night in Singapore :)

Also going to Singapore got me musing about glitter and all things sparkly.

I particularly like these set of heels found in Topshop

 I also rekindled my love of Miffy, my childhood fixation.

Aren't these passport covers cute? I especially love the red one. I also managed to buy a cute white and light purple mini purse to place my cards and coins whilst I was in Singapore.

Finally I love this track by Australian singer Elen Levon - Dancing to the Same Song.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I'm wide awake

So excited that spring has officially shooed itself in and the shopping centres have gone all out with their new colourful stock and floral prints. Even just window shopping gives me the heeby jeebies!

Loving the floral pants and colourful heels on Jessica Alba - a little bit daring but feminine at the same time.


Also loving the heels below - lace ups on heels are very sexy, as is the lace contours on the sides of these pins! I love the different textures.

I also like the model below's singlet. I like how it's got that element of ferociousness but there's the subtle femininity of the bun on top of the head!

Finally I'm absolutely in love with the bright lippy of the girl on the right and how it contrasts with the blueness of her woollen top and yellow striped bottoms. Cute, cute, cute :)

I've bought a few little tops here and there which I'll be posting up here shortly - Warning: they are BRIGHT!!! But I think that's 75% of the charm ;)

Fast cars and orchids

Today a few wonderful, unexpected things happened. Wonderful because they were unexpected but also wonderful because I've been looking for a pick-me-up lately.

For one thing, I got a lovely gift from my partner which brightened my day. I'd mentioned to him how exciting it was to finally have my own desk and my own space and he got me a beautiful purple orchid which I can gaze at if ever I'm feeling down at work. I'd been thinking of getting a little $5 cactus or a tiny little succulent but nonetheless, it was very sweet of him, especially the message inside the card.

Also just wanted to post my favourite song of all time Fast Car by Tracy Chapman. This song never fails to make my heart shiver just a little.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Current favourite mashup

I was speechless within 40 seconds. I love these artists so this mashup is my dream come true.

Symbolic tattoos cover the scar

Back momentarily from a hiatus. 

Started my new job last week and it's been an eye opener. Lifestyle has completely altered and my body clock is thanking me for it. Came back from a wonderful getaway exploring Northern New South Wales as well and my head is currently tender from new information overload.

My friend mentioned that Tyga has a new mixtape out and am currently checking it out now. It's called Well Done 3. 

I'm a huge fan of Tyga's remixes of existing tracks like Adele's Reminded and the following track- Rick Ross's Diced Pineapples.  So chilled and a great way to wind down after work. 

Enjoy :)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

I'm running away from my fear, I won't go alone

Today was my first day as a non-employee of the airport. It's always say to say goodbye but the hardest part is knowing that things will never been the same as that particular moment in time. However the past few days were a fitting closure to a fun-filled, exciting three years. My colleague organised a farewell dinner for me and it gave me a chance to say goodbye to everyone. Plus I feel like I've come full circle completing the last flight with two people I've come to know and admire very well and waving goodbye to a cabin services manager who happened to be the first cabin crew member I got to know. 

I feel very blessed to come out of this experience as a stronger version of me.

Anyway I want to do more with my life and make a difference however idealistic that sounds. I'm excited and nervous about my next job but there's something very liberating about that feeling.

Trawling through some inspirational pictures:

The above is how I feel with I'm not with him and most importantly, towards my little sister. I feel very blessed to have two very wonderful people in my life who are always cheering me on and supporting me when I doubt myself. I hope they know I heart them very much so.

Finally a track I've fallen in love with - Run Alone by Australian rapper 360. Here's a teaser.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ear candy

Today I went shopping and found some really cute earrings while I was browsing. I'm loving the new look this spring with brights and geometric shapes - it's a bit of fun mixing and matching which is what I love about fashion :) Plus it's the focus on little details that make an outfit interesting - it's all in the accessories and prints.

This pair from Diva reminds me the sun.

And hexagons are so underrated - this pair of earrings reminds me of Year 5 Geometry!

As for more candy for the ears, I'm loving an old track by Chris Brown called Perfume.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Coming to an end

For the past three years I've been accustomed to a particular sort of lifestyle and I can't believe that it's nearly over. It's been three years of checking in, boarding, training, training and training. Three years of running around, waking up at unearthly hours and meeting weird and crazy people. Next Friday I'll officially walk away from a job, workplace and family that's been a huge part of my life. But I'm walking away from it a version of me that I'm proud of because I feel like I've been pushed to grow. When I left uni three years ago I had no idea what I wanted but now I know in my heart what I want to do.

I don't regret a single part of the entire experience and I'm thankful of all the opportunities I was given. Not only that but I've had the pleasure of meeting and working with some very special people over the years. 

It's been a lot of fun!

In other news there's a really awesome track by Neyo - Let Me Love You. Check out the clip - it's freaking sexy.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Random thoughts

Little things pop out to me when I'm out and about and I like to take photos of them so I remember those moments and smile.

Like the other day when I spent the day out with my mum in Cabra. We saw this jacket at the front of a clothing store. and mum was like, 'You wore that when you were a little toddler Lin - do you remember?' She started laughing and so did I because I actually remember!

It was this bright red leather jacket with cowgirl like frills everywhere and I remember photos of me wearing it proudly. Eeeek! That's so early 90s! I can't believe it's still floating around being sold to parents of little kids today!

Likewise, I was sitting at Strathfield Station Platform 7 earlier this year and was zoning out when I noticed this plant growing out of a drain pipe for the first time ever.

I found it really odd but cool. Mainly because I'd stood waiting at Platform 7 for years on end when I was in uni  and not once did I see this plant!

Just some random thoughts :)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

My favourite things

My room's a forest of random things. I'm the type of person who hoards things or throws things on my study table figuring that if ever I need to get it in the future, it'll be easily found (in my mess).

There is however an orderly section in my room which is on top of my wooden bookshelf.

Here is where I keep a collection of things that mean alot to me. It's weird. I don't consciously stand in front of it with everything I get and assess whether it should be put there. If anything, it's an automated response. When I get home with the item, I'll automatically place it there without question because it feels right.

Just a few of the things I have (roughly labelled but not quite clear! haha):

1. A laminated bookmark commemorating the life of my grandma.

I keep it here because it reminds me each day to be a be kind to others and show care. Although I never had the chance to meet her before she passed which I really feel sad for, I could tell from the way my mum talked of her and the rest of my family in the States that she was a beautiful person who was so loving to others and bound the family together with her love. Plus, she was the mother of my mum and shaped her to be the loving person she is today which I'm very grateful for.

2. A school portrait of me when I was in Yr 4 with crayons in my hair.

Not sure why this photo ended up on my cabinet but I think it had to do with the fact that the frame was given to my mum as a gift from someone she knew. The frame came in a pack of three frames which were all shaped differently. My big sister and my little sister received the other two and we got each of the self portraits that were taken of us that calendar year and placed reach one on our personal cabinet. I guess I'm really fond of that frame because it's like link with my sisters.

3. A japanese golden print I bought the first time I visited Japan in 2004.

I think I only bought it for ten Australia dollars but this piece reminds me how wonderful those two weeks over in Japanese was. I had the opportunity to live and be with one of the kindest bunch of people who welcomed me with open arms - my homestay family. It was also the first time I met my Japanese father whose kindness and warmth is unbelievable. He treated me like his own daughter. It makes you realise it's not all about blood.

4. My egg man.

I think I bought him a few years ago in a random stationery shop on Burwood Road. Just looking at him makes me so happy - maybe because he looks so happy.

5. A simple vase of flowers.

It's weird - one day these appeared and I didn't know how until my mum told me that she bought it at the Salvos and thought it'd look nice on my cabinet. I thought that was so sweet of my mum. Plus it looks just right where it is - fits perfectly :)

6. My handpainted snail.

This little ceramic snail was given to my in Kindergarten by a friend I knew back then. But sure why but I'm really attached to it.

7. My 'I Whaley Love you' card.

I like it because it's so sweet and simple.

8. A card given to me from my boyfriend.

Meant alot to me. Not because that was when I became 24 but because it was from him.

9. My USBs.

These sticks contain all the files - hundreds and hudreds of files - I've ever created for my job as a Trainer. Every powerpoint, stencil, SOP, visa document is saved on these and it's like a mark of how much work I've invested in performing my role. Ready to move on but I will keep these as memory of how much I've taught myself from scratch.

10. My Kimmi Doll from Ivy.

Enough said :)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Eggs, sister and lychees

Today I woke up and decided to make some eggs. 

I was home alone and this made me miss my little sister even more because for as long as I can remember, her and I were always the ones who woke up and spent time together each morning with the parentals out of the house. We'd sit, chat and drink warm water together and she would tell me off because I'd always tip my warm water down the sink.

Here are my eggs on lightly toasted Bakehouse Light Rye bread. 

For those wondering, the flecks of black and grey particle aren't charred remnants of the pan (surprisingly enough!) - they are actually sprinkles of sea salt, black peppercorns, garlic, parsley and oregano. Eggs are lovely by themselves, especially the yolky runny centre, however this seasoning as subtle as it is, topped it off :)

Looking at this plate made me wish Ivy was here to share it with but I guess I'll see her soon enough next year. She would probably have a heart attack knowing that I made these :D

Anyway the weather outside is absolutely stunning. It's the perfect level of chilly and sun mixed together. The view from my backyard...

My view from the ground.

Heading out today in this beautiful weather so I think I'll put some Mor Lychee Flower Perfume Oil on. A very good girlfriend of mine gave me this for my birthday last year and I've cherished it ever since. Lychees are so delicious, sweet and subtle and a little of this scent on my wrists and behind my ears will brighten my day just a little.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Multilingual much?

I was trawling through forums the other day and came across some info that made me smile because it made so much sense.

Relationships are something which many of us find mind boggling. But the funny thing is if you look at it quite simply, perhaps a good many of our struggles and misunderstandings come from simply not speaking the same language.

Haha, ok allow me to elaborate.

When I say language I'm not referring to the conventional idea of linguistics. I'm referring to an idea that Gary Chapman pipped a few years back in a book he wrote called The 5 Love Languages. In a nutshell, he basically outlined that there's five ways for a partner to express their love and care and how important it is to express love to your partner in a way that they can understand.

As I was reading the article, it made perfect sense.

For one thing he outlines the following as the five languages:


Perhaps you're verbal. It's the things you articulate, speak or text to your significant other to show how much you care or value them.

Quality Time

Maybe you believe it's the time you spend together that shows your love for each other. Doing things together, focusing on each other and appreciating each other's company.


Although this might sound materialistic I don't really think this language has to be. For one thing, it may the little sentimental things you give to your partner in a metaphorical sense. Like a little post stick note on their wallet wishing them a good day or a little random thing you bought for them because it reminded you of them.. As cliched as it seems, it really is the thought that counts!

Acts of Service

Discovering what things you can do to help your partner can be just as valuable a form of showing that you care. It's those little offers of help to make their lives easier like offering to pick up the laundry or picking them up from places which I think are really sweet.

Finally there's physical touch  which in my opinion when used with sincerity and gentleness can express wonders. Little things like stroking your partner's back, holding hands, hugging and kissing them on the cheek show that you care too.

Anyway when I read all this I was struck by simple it all really is. It's about reflecting on what your strongest love languages are and speaking the language that you know your partner appreciates and understands. Something interesting was the thought that sincerity is great but sometimes it's not quite enough. Sure it comes from the heart but if it is packaged in a way that your partner doesn't understand, it will be lost on them so it's also about communicating your care in a way that your partner "gets."

After I read this article I thought about it and realised that I think the way I express my care and love for my loved ones are through a combination of the above. However I get the most joy from doing acts of service for my loved ones and physical touch :)

Friday, June 15, 2012

I love you too

Woke up to the sound of rain today and decided to have a day in on my day off.

Decided to migrate my blankie to the living room couch and watch a few movies I'd be meaning to watch for a while.

One of those movies was an Australian film released in 2010 called I Love You Too. I remember a really good friend of mine told me how good it was a few years ago and having watched it today, I completely agree with her.

If you had to pigeonhole this film, you'd probably label it as a rom-com. However I don't think that term lends this film justice. Sure it's funny and it's romantic which is precisely what this generalisation suggests, but it's so much more than that. Add to that, it's devoid of all the connotations of tackiness and cliches that often come with this genre.

In a nutshell, the premise of the film reads like a well worn cliche. The protaganist, Jim, a thirty something year old man, once a self confessed bachelor, finds himself hooked when he meets Alice. However after three wonderful years together, he loses her due to his inability to articulate his love for her in a very crucial moment. From this point on, the film follow's Jim's journey to win Alice back but rather than taking the traditional, well worn rom-com route of male pathetically proclaiming love for love interest time after unfailing time, it ventures into buddy flick territory where Jim actually meets Charlie, a guy who teaches him about the value of articulating love in both spoken and unspoken ways. It's interesting that the film plays out like a rather belated coming of age film.

Embarassingly, I was teary at particularly points in the film because it examined all types of bonds in a really touching way - not just those between romantic partners, but also between siblings, best mates and oddly coupled friends. Alot of it I think that people can certainly relate to because in the end, I really believe that people mean well in their relationships. We approach relationships of all types with good intentions. Whether it's parents, siblings, and good friends, we want the best for each other and especially when we see our loved ones in distress, we're not always sure what to do but we always wish we could do more.. But sometimes, or more often than not, we're all a bit clumsy and even our best intentions are misconstrued, even though the genuine feelings in their purest form, are there.

Also, it think the film shows not the values of gestures in everyday life, but also the value of simple statements, which whilst laden with meaning, are just as meaningful in their rarity. I think I'm starting to realise that myself. Watching the film, I know this sounds tacky, but I really felt like I could relate to Jim. It''s weird. I have no issues writing a 5000 word essay exploring topics about sociological theories and blabbing about a range of topics which are pretty convoluted, but I find it really hard to articulate how I feel or the things that go on in my head. I wish it came easier because there's times when I wonder if the people I love in my life know how much I care about them but I guess I show them in different unspoken ways. In the ways that I stick up for them, or fight for them, or think of them and would do things for them. However maybe I should take a leaf out of this film and realise that sometimes I need to say it in a more verbal way because it's really hard to tell and sometimes people need to hear it to know it.

Anyway this film touched me alot. It was funny. It made me giggle. It kept me occupied and kept me warm on a rainy day. But most importantly, it made me think, which is the best quality of any film.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


While shopping recently I fell in love with a pair of maroon chino pants I found in General Pants.

Although I didn't get a chance to try them in, it did inspire me to write a post on how awesome I think chino pants are - and how underrated I think they are!

Chino pants are termed as such due to the fabric that's used to manufacture them. The cotton materials that's used to make them was primarily used in British and French military uniforms in the mid-1800s but today it's a fashion piece which is timelessly elegant.

Chino pants come in a range of colours - navy, greys, khaki, black and tans but I think that sexiest shade is beige (second from right). Paired with a set of heels, this clothing piece is suitable in both casual settings or corporate environments. Also, not only does it look cute, but it's very comfy and the fabric lets your skin breathe!

Also been listening to some tracks by a Korean band I find really intriguing called Bigbang. 

Call me odd but I find their fashion and art direction kind of cool :D It's pretty outrageous but I think they pull it off pretty well, especially in their clip Fantastic Baby.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Ode to hoodies

Sticking to topics of things I love, I wanted to do a post on hoodies.

To put it bluntly, my favourite piece of clothing to wear is a hoodie. For those who didn't know, this piece of clothing's style can be traced back to Medieval Europe when the clothing formally worn by monks was a long, decorative hood called a cowl, attached to robes!

Then in the 1930s, what we recognise as today's hoodie was produced in the States by Champion. It's really interesting to think that this style of clothing was initially marketed to labourers who worked in freezing temperatures whilst in upstate New York.

Anyway I've always been a fan of the hoodie despite social connotations that it's associated with delinquency and concealed crime. I love its simplicity in being a hooded sweatshirt. I like its versatility in that it might have a vertical zipper down the centre much like a windbreaker, but most importantly I love its warmth and wearability. Whenever I traveled or backpacked for long periods of time, I always packed a variety of hoodies. I find them so easy to chuck on and suitable for any type of weather. Thin material ones worked wonders for hotter climates and thick, fleecy hoodies bailed me out when I was freezing my a** off!

I loved pulling the sleeves over my hands.

Add to that how hot hoodies look with a pair of skinnies or jeans pure and simple. To be honest I've always been a closest pervert at heart but I love a guy in a hoodie (and a girl at that lol).

Hot hot hot.

Plus my fondest memories were formed wearing these things :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Polly Pocket and dots

Today I made a really random connection.

A few months ago I wrote about how much I love dots. So much so that if I come across anything dotty, in shops, on people's clothing, on ads, logos and photos, I'm compelled to stop, stare and appreciate. I even say out loud to whoever cares, 'I love dots.' And it's true - I really do love dots!

Anyway I never understood why I like dots so much. I'm the type of person who likes to muse about why people are how they are based on their experiences and what not. But I guess for me, I'm not so good at looking at myself reflectively and thinking why I like the things I do.

Well, out of nowhere, today when I got home, I started thinking about toys that I used to love playing with as a kid. Something very personal about me? My favourite toy of all time was the Polly Pocket range. For those not familiar with this range, it's basically a toy line of dolls and accessories which were first designed by a man in 1983 who created a small house for a tiny doll for his daughter. The best part about this story was he used a powder compact to create this house!

From this idea, Polly Pocket was born and a huge bunch of mini Polly Pocket dolls were played and appreciated by little kids like me worldwide. I loved the fact the dolls were so small and simple and lived in pocket sized cases I could carry around my neck.

Honestly I was in love with this exact piece.

For those not so familiar with Polly Pocket, this is Polly Pocket Lulu and her Seaside Locket. When I was in early primary school, I absolutely loved this toy. Just thinking about how fond I was of this tiny little thing (and seriously, it was that tiny) makes me really happy and kind of sad as well because I'm not sure where she and her home are :( I think I know where to look but I'll have to leave that for a rainy day when I have hours to look through a huge plastic tub under my bed which contains everything meaningful from my childhood that I couldn't throw away... because I'm a sucker for sentimental things.

I used to draw portraits of myself and my sisters on tiny pieces of note paper, rip them into little squares and place them behind the inside of the top cover so our faces would smile down at Lulu. Also I'd play with my big sister because she owned a larger home for her own Polly Pocket who lived in this big blue mansion and her doll would visit my doll and they'd lie down on the beach together.

Seriously, we had a blast with these tiny 1cm dolls back in the early 90s!

Anyway I could talk on and on about these dolls but I just wanted to say that the moment I laid eyes on this image of Lulu today I realised exactly where my love for dots came from.

Plus the funny thing is that I actually bought this exact patterned top last year and didn't even realise the connection until now.

Thank you Polly Pocket :)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

I said Love

Something I love doing is browsing makeshift arts and crafts markets in person. I have really fond memories of looking at local design markets when I was in Melbourne, Beijing and Bangkok. I'd spend hours on end just wondering through those places. When that's not available I love browsing stuff like that online.

Just the pleasure of seeing what cute little trinkets and pieces local designers have created using their creativity and recycled items is something that makes me really happy. I like anything that's a little left of the centre, a little odd, and most importantly a little kooky.

Something I came across today was this vintage ring created by Melbourne's the Triangle of Bears. Apparently Gem, the creator of this brand, used a charm which came out of a gumball machine in the 1960s, to create this ring. Yes, that's right. It's a set of mini dentures!!

Makes you take a second look :)

I also came across these nifty little speech bubble earrings while I was browsing her work.

The speech bubbles and hearts within are hand drawn on shrink plastic and basically embody conversations of love. I think I'll be buying a pair of 6 dollars soon :)

I've also come across this track which made my head involuntarily bop up and down when I heard it the first, second and third time. I thought my days of listening to Australian electro bands like Cut Copy were over but it seems like there's still that little part in me :) Hello 2008!

Shooting Stars by Bag Raiders.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


When I was in uni, I was one of those quiet Cityrail travellers lost in the music blaring out of my spidery thin earphones.

Back then I had this tiny little black Samsung MP3 Player. To be honest I really treasured that device. It was probably one of the first things I'd ever purchased myself in first year uni after working a few months at my first proper casual job as a medical receptionist. The shape of it was like carrying a USB stick and I liked how the writing on the mini screen was this electric light blue that glowed in the dark. I liked how the words of the track would move across the screen in jerks.

Come to think of it, I remember being really cut when my boyfriend at that time lost it. I guess I was attached it.

Anyway I wanted to post my top three favourite tracks back in uni. The tracks I thrashed hard during those trips to and from uni. The ones that constantly made me nearly miss my stop. I was this arts student lost in a web of sociology and psychology. Feels weird to think about those days.

1. Kids by MGMT.

I absolutely loved this track. The original by MGMT is very kooky and spacey and when I heard it for the first time walking past a careers stall at UTS, I memorised just enough of the lyrics to google it as soon as I got home. To this day I still love this song.

Instead of posting the original track I'm going to post a cover of it by another band I loved in uni called The Kooks. Having this awesome band play this track I love puts me on cloud nine.

2. Walking on a Dream by Empire of the Sun.

This song became really popular right before I went to my two month trek backpacking through Asia. Because we both loved the track, my travel mate and I set it as our alarm so each morning, when we were in Vietnam, Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong, we'd wake up to the opening chords of this track. Because of that, when I hear this song I think of those adventures, the snow, the heat, the fun. It was one of the most memories I have.

3. Relapse by Little Birdy.

I was in love with this song. I became a fan of this Indie Band from Perth in Yr 12 when they began releasing songs.

I think a bit of it was because I had a girl crush on Katy Steele's voice. Oops...

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Try to forget you in my mine

I was listening to similar artists to an artist I love Frank Ocean and came across a young 24 year old artist from Los Angeles called Jhene Aiko.

Her mellowness, wordplay and lyrical dexterity hooked me straightaway. I started listening to tracks off her mixtape released last year titled Sailing Soul(s) and found her really compelling. It was kind of like listening to a voice as soothing and smooth as Cassie but more meaningful, intimate and personal.

Reading some of her interviews and hearing that the motivation behind her mixtape was to make listeners look inwards and reflect on their experiences not to create money (hence why it was free) intrigued me more. I guess in this day and age where the music market is saturated with people keen to create killer hooks to generate money and commercial success, I like how Jhene Aiko is looking to create a project challenging listeners to explore her world by being relevant and vulnerable in her simplicity and lyrics.

One of her standout tracks on the mixtape is Stranger.

Throughout the entire song she remains in the same vocal range, keyboard arrangement looping, complete with backing harmonies but it's so simple to allow you to focus on her lyrics. To her, all men are the same to the point that they all become faceless strangers and whilst many might agree, or just as many disagree that's simply a look into her world and her perception of it - and that's ok.

Another track I loved was My Mine.

If you listen closely to her lyrics, she likens the experience of getting over someone who she was in a broken relationship with to being trapped in a mine. Sitting there, looking upwards. It's funny. If you listen closely to the way in which she talks about the torment of memories in her mind, it's not actually mind she is singing - it is mine.

She's lovely.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Rita Ora?

One artist whose been played heavily on the airwaves lately is Miss Rita Ora, a British singer-songwriter whose kooky fashion rather than her music caught my attention :P

Her hair definitely reminds me of Marilyn Monroe but her actually fashion style is reminiscent of Gwen Stefani during her awesome No Doubt days with a whole lot of vintage and retro happening here, there and everywhere.

Love the black leather, green print and winged eyes.

Simple black leather singlet teamed with a cute printed denim shorts.

Bright red and intricate pattern - kooky :)

Cute throwback to the days of tie-dye and beanies!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Currently crushing on...

You Tube singer JENI and her lush vocals.

Stumbled across her cover of Elle Varner's trippy track Only Want to Give it to You. Didn't think this track could get any funkier but JENI's cover has got me in awe. Currently destroying the replay button.


Funky fashion brand Motel Rocks. Created by two American thrift shop lovers this online store never fails to make me salivate. I like that its fresh, bright and big on contrasting colours and patterns.

Cute much? :)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Cold, cold water

It's funny how music resonates with you years after the first time you hear it.

Back in 2007 I came across an artist called Damien Rice and hearing two of his tracks today struck me with the strangest feeling. It's so weird to just hear thse tracks and remember the person you were and place you were at when you first heard it and connected with it. But it's even more overwhelming knowing that whilst circumstances change and you're at a very different place right at this time you hear it years later, it affects you in a same way and you realise that in essence, the core of you hasn't changed at all.

I went to see him when he came to Sydney back in early 2007. To this day it's still the best live music concert I ever witnessed. The irony of it was it was one of the simplest performance and stagings I'd seen but his voice, his songs, lyrics and presence captivated all of us and it was so beautiful to just witness how much he put his soul and thoughts into these 3 minute pieces which honestly are timeless.

He somehow encapsulates within a single track an amazing depth and honesty of what people experience every day in their lives and their minds. It's those things you keep quiet, captive in your mind, and when you attempt to tell people, end up faltering because it's so hard. I get that. Understandably he's singing from the sincerest, most vulnerable part of himself - his heart - but I feel like he's speaking about a universal human experience of loss or vulnerability which I feel really really moving. It's challenging. He's like giving a voice, a quiet, faltering voice, to people's experiences and I can't get over it.
My favourite two tracks of the night were Cannonball and Cold Water.

Cannonball. In this song he sings about the feeling of just falling for someone deeply and being astounded by that feeling of losing yourself in that potential and their presence. My favourite part of song is when he says You step a little closer to me/Still I can't see what's going. And that's something I think most of us have experienced. It's like being in the presence of someone you're realising that you could, or are falling for, and being so overwhelmed that you can't think straight because you just don't want to blow it or scare them away. Or for those who haven't experienced this, you can get a glimpse of what it might feel like - so when it happens you will know the moment it happens and still struggle to cope with that feeling. You won't be prepared for it and that's the point.

It sounds like such a cliched subject to sing about but it's the way in which he sings the song, composes the music and performs it so understatedly, and just the lyrics, I'm in awe. Watching it live was one of the most arresting moments I can remember because it's like you can't get over how he can articulate that feeling with such simplicity and honesty. You can't take your eyes or ears away from it. You're compelled to look.

Then Cold Water came on and I just felt like crying because it's so sad. Watch this clip and the chills you experience are only a fraction of the experience you have watching it live. It's crazy.

I'm not religious myself and so can't relate so much to the idea of reaching out to God in times when I'm desperate, incredibly lonely or just feeling hopeless but I felt like crying because I'm sad that this is how low people can feel and it makes you realise how important having a faith is or simply something to believe in is. You need purpose, we all need purpose and it's really easy to get disillusioned or lose sight of what's important in life. And sometimes, when you finally realise this, you feel like you've wasted the best years of your life on trivial matters.

This song is so heartbreaking, and everyone who listens to this track regardless of what they are doing at the time, can't deny that. They can understand that and that's what's so sad.
Anyway I'm not so sure why I'm in such a forlorn mood to dig up these tracks from 5 years ago but I wanted to express how much they affected me when  I was 19 and why that hasn't changed to this day.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Today I did a bit of exploring on an artist my friend had intro-ed me to a few nights ago. By intro I mean that he posted a track of hers on my wall and I've been thrashing this track non stop on my iphone everywhere and anywhere I can (within reason lol).

Her name is Tia London, from Chicago and she is quite possibly the hardest artist to locate any info on.

Google produced jack all about her but reflecting back that's ironically a good thing because that makes those curious about her (like myself) more intrigued about her and her music - and that's what music should be all about right? The music itself, not so much the person behind it.

Anyway I'm not sure what it is about her but I'm hooked. I think it's because there's alot of facets of her music and style that remind me of another artist I really liked from a few years ago. When I first heard Drake's music back in 2009-2010 I was struck by his introspective lyrics and the moodiness of his music which mixed rapping and singing in equal measure which produced some beautiful dreamscape like tracks like Shut It Down. I loved that it was an eloquent mix of candidness and grandeur but more importantly I liked its softness. In an era where rap and r'n'b artists are concerned with delivering their beats and lyrics with brashness and aggression I liked the fact that Drake wasn't afraid to be the anecdote with his softness. Peppered with unexpected drums, guitar bursts and keyboard spikes, it's the kind of music you can chill out to after a crazy long day at work and the songs you loved years ago are still the ones you cruise along to even now.

That's how I instantly felt when I heard the first few tracks on Tia London's EP Love Junkie.

Her beats are simple and commercially catchy in the conventional sense but I like that she's subtle and doesn't try to match it with the outrageousness of the Rihannas and Nicki Minajs out there. I think there's depth to be found in whats understated and the mood created track by track and I guess that's why I'm currently obsessed with milking her EP dry at the moment haha. There's also a graceful ease in the way she can break into rap and then sing with a sincerity and swagger that not many female artists these days possess.

Not only that but the production of the EP itself is outstanding with moods and tones changing effortlessly from track to track. This is by no means a reflection of her inconsistency but shows her ability to be flirtatious and stepping it out to the guys out there in tracks like Go! and changing gears to show moroseness and self reflection in tracks like Love Rollercoaster:

I Got It - Mikkey Halsted featuring Tia London.

It's funny. I think that if you fully analysed different aspects of her music separately like her lyrics or her hooks you'd find there is nothing overly remarkable about what she's doing. However it's the combination of these elements in the form of the completed tracks that makes she someone worth looking out for.