Tuesday, February 22, 2011

On a totally random note...

I really love the music video of Rihanna and Drake's song 'What's My Name?'

I can't pinpoint exactly what I love about the MV but there's something about the mixture of the colours, the fact that Rihanna wears what could easily look hideous on a normal person with such confidence it looks hot, and the fact that I am also in love with Drake.

Others have tried long and hard to convince me that he's not an aesthetically pleasing man but that's not my concern.

 Listen to his voice, lyrics and musical arrangements in songs on his album Thank Me Later in tracks like 'Shut It Down' ft The Dream, 'Karaoke' and 'Up All Night' then tell me he isn't hot.

Yep, I thought so.

Finally, call me odd but I really really like the woolly blue jumper Rihanna wears in parts of this clip. The colour is lovely and the bagginess of the jumper makes it uniquely cute.

What could be sweeter than Peach John?

Tough question. For those who are familiar with Tokyo-based lingerie brand Peach John, the answer would be not much at all.

It's a brand virtually unknown in the Western world but this brand is absolutely huge in Japan, often cited as Japan's answer to Victoria's Secret. The pieces are very fresh and extremely flirty and I think that's what I really like about this brand. I love that it's a bit tongue in cheek and the even the name itself Peach John (also known as PJ) rings true of this spirit.


Now this piece on the other is completely different but that's exactly why I like it. It's intriguingly odd but somehow works exuding sexiness with a touch of cute with the leopard print finish!

If you've read the rest of my blog and perved on some of the pics posted, it's no surprise what I like about these two pieces. I think that pastels work really well when it comes to bras and bottoms. Especially when its a mix of two gorgeous colours like these pieces - it instantly makes me think of candy! I have this bra which I absolutely love. I remember I bought it at this wonderful little store in Strathfield called Naked Truth (in Strathfield Plaza). Anyway it was a pale yellow colour but had this cute light blue dotted trimming. The effect was completely cute which is exactly why I bought it in the first place! Definitely one of my best buys and I don't even remember the brand :( Oh well, I will keep hoping I'll stumble across it again!

Finally, letting you in on a little secret.

I hoping to go to Asia later in the year to check out Hong Kong, Shanghai and Japan again and it'd be great to check out Peach John stores while I'm there. There's stores throughout Japan and the brand also even diversified into the lucrative Chinese intimate apparel market with stores in Hong Kong and Shanghai. To me, that's exciting!

If you find these pieces as hot as I do check out Peach John's website.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Introducing the Pleasure State My Fit Lace Plunge Bra

As you all know I have a massive crush on Pleasure State pieces.

One piece I'm a big fan of is the Pleasure State My Fit Lace Plunge Bra.

What I like so much about this piece is that it's such a comfortable push up bra with a beautifully designed lace overlay. When I saw it on the rack on Myer I was immediately drawn to it because it's not at all tacky like other lace bras I've seen around. The design is intricate yet thoughtful and there is a skin coloured bra underneath the lace overlay which makes it not at all irritating on the skin.

I also love the fact that the bra can be purchased with bottoms which are just as gorgeous.

For instance if you're feeling a bit boyish, couple your My Fit Lace Plunge Bra with this cheeky pair of Pleasure State My Fit Lace Brazilian. It's a great fit with a cotton gusset designed for comfort.

On the other hand, if you wanting to feel a little sexy, there's the option of coupling your Lace Plunge Bra with the Pleasure State My Fit Lace Lace Thong.

Unlike other thongs this piece is surprisingly comfortable and doesn't provoke this urge every two minutes to adjust. On a much shallower note, it's got a lovely lace design on it ;)

These pieces are available in a number of colours so check them out at your closest Myer and see which ones tickle your fancy. Black, red, white plus more, I'm sure you become as smitten as I am!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My comfort bra of choice?

That would be the Pleasure State My Fit Wireless Push Bra Plunge Bra.

Ravijour offers lingerie I'd be happy perving on for hours at a time. The site itself is as beautifully designed as the apparel itself, the colours both bright and lush, and the cuts sexy and feminine.

However Pleasure State is probably by far my favourite brand in terms of comfort and appearance.

Now how might I explain the brand Pleasure State in a nutshell?

Well created in 2004 by lingerie designer Kay Cohen, Pleasure State fuses together all elements of couture styled intimate apparel with comfort and affordability. The richness of the materials used, the technology and innovation used to ensure comfort and a perfect fit for wearers has marked Pleasure State from alot of other brands in its field. Honestly, if I had a choice, I would be in utter bliss just spending time acquainting myself with all things created by Pleasure State.

I actually remember the first time I stumbled across the brand itself.

I was lamenting to my cousin one day about how short of bras I was. It'd gotten to that embarrasing stage where all my mum was going on about when she saw me was the lack of bras I had and what a pain it was to see my caramel coloured bra grow progressively darker and darker in shade.

Yes, you can say it: ew.

Anyway fact of the matter was that I too was getting selfconsciously aware I was relying to much on the Elle Macpherson bra I'd had since first year uni. For one thing, I'd worn it during milestones in my life. It was under my shirt during my first heartbreak. I was tugging at it nervously during my first serious job interview and I'd worn it under my gown when I graduated from uni.

However it was time to move on and venture beyond. And so, I explored Myers one day on Pitt Street with the cousin hoping to come across a steely yet feminine bra which would serve as my next 'comfort bra of choice'.

Anyway it wasn't long after I'd made a beeline for the intimate apparel section that I became hooked on the Pleasure State range. Honestly, the intricate lace patterns and fabrics used to manufacture these thoughtfully crafted bras, the attention to detail and sexiness which oozes out the White Label Collection and the My Fit selection is astonishing.

You know those irritating people who linger in the magazine section of newsgencies, pouring over trashy magazines before being ushered out by the shopkeeper? Yes? Well, that was me that day running my fingers over all the Pleasure State bras.

That day I came across the Pleasure State My Fit Wireless Push Bra Plunge Bra http://www.trixanbody.com.au/item/pleasure-state-my-fit-wireless-push-up-plunge-bra#a_a431398 and since then I have not looked back. The smoothness and comfortableness of its smooth fabric does not for a second, irritate or rub against my skin. This comes in especially handy because I have such a phsycially demanding job where I'm constantly rushing around, using my hands and arms to tag and handle bags. Imagine doing that and wearing a bra which chafed against your skin during every movement you made!

I love the fact that it has the right amount of padding to supplement my lack thereof and most importantly the fact that it has no underwire cutting into my ribs makes a world of difference!

Finally look a bit closer and check out the three little crystals sewn into the front two straps of the bra. Cute and sexy - it's a perfect finish for a comfortable yet gorgeous comfort bra I love wearing to work, and play everyday.

Check it out one day you're roaming around in Myers and prepare to be seduced ;)

Monday, February 14, 2011

I've got a confession to make...

Lingerie fascinates me.

Not because of the gorgeous models who wear it, posing against backdrops holding random things like balloons, toothbrushes or what not.

Not because of the effect it has on the opposite sex but simply because of the way it can make a women feel when they wear it.

Admit it girls! When you're wearing that pretty lace bottom or that comfy contour bra you always know you can count on it's like that dirty little secret which noone but you knows about. Who would have thought that such a minimalist piece of apparel could ignite that much creativity and imagination!

For instance I'm absolutely enchanted by the designs and concepts tossed around by Japan's own Ravijour brand. Ravijour is an intimate apparel company which has been likened to powerhouse Victoria's Secret. It's sexy, provocative, cute yet daring. What I love most about Ravijour is the kookiness oozing out of the brand.

I once read an article which defintely made an excellent point worth mentioning - We don't necessarily wear lingerie for the benefit of seducing our loved ones. We wear it for the effect it has on our day! Even when I wake up feeling bleak, exhausted and totally not into life, pulling on a pair of my favourite pair of bra and colourful bottoms, feeling the material under my work pants makes me feel somewhat brighter ;) Definitely the case if I chucked on some Ravijour knickers :)

Check out Ravijour's cute collection on their offical website