My room's a forest of random things. I'm the type of person who hoards things or throws things on my study table figuring that if ever I need to get it in the future, it'll be easily found (in my mess).
There is however an orderly section in my room which is on top of my wooden bookshelf.
Here is where I keep a collection of things that mean alot to me. It's weird. I don't consciously stand in front of it with everything I get and assess whether it should be put there. If anything, it's an automated response. When I get home with the item, I'll automatically place it there without question because it feels right.
Just a few of the things I have (roughly labelled but not quite clear! haha):
1. A laminated bookmark commemorating the life of my grandma.
I keep it here because it reminds me each day to be a be kind to others and show care. Although I never had the chance to meet her before she passed which I really feel sad for, I could tell from the way my mum talked of her and the rest of my family in the States that she was a beautiful person who was so loving to others and bound the family together with her love. Plus, she was the mother of my mum and shaped her to be the loving person she is today which I'm very grateful for.
2. A school portrait of me when I was in Yr 4 with crayons in my hair.
Not sure why this photo ended up on my cabinet but I think it had to do with the fact that the frame was given to my mum as a gift from someone she knew. The frame came in a pack of three frames which were all shaped differently. My big sister and my little sister received the other two and we got each of the self portraits that were taken of us that calendar year and placed reach one on our personal cabinet. I guess I'm really fond of that frame because it's like link with my sisters.
3. A japanese golden print I bought the first time I visited Japan in 2004.
I think I only bought it for ten Australia dollars but this piece reminds me how wonderful those two weeks over in Japanese was. I had the opportunity to live and be with one of the kindest bunch of people who welcomed me with open arms - my homestay family. It was also the first time I met my Japanese father whose kindness and warmth is unbelievable. He treated me like his own daughter. It makes you realise it's not all about blood.
4. My egg man.
I think I bought him a few years ago in a random stationery shop on Burwood Road. Just looking at him makes me so happy - maybe because he looks so happy.
5. A simple vase of flowers.
It's weird - one day these appeared and I didn't know how until my mum told me that she bought it at the Salvos and thought it'd look nice on my cabinet. I thought that was so sweet of my mum. Plus it looks just right where it is - fits perfectly :)
6. My handpainted snail.
This little ceramic snail was given to my in Kindergarten by a friend I knew back then. But sure why but I'm really attached to it.
7. My 'I Whaley Love you' card.
I like it because it's so sweet and simple.
8. A card given to me from my boyfriend.
Meant alot to me. Not because that was when I became 24 but because it was from him.
9. My USBs.
These sticks contain all the files - hundreds and hudreds of files - I've ever created for my job as a Trainer. Every powerpoint, stencil, SOP, visa document is saved on these and it's like a mark of how much work I've invested in performing my role. Ready to move on but I will keep these as memory of how much I've taught myself from scratch.
10. My Kimmi Doll from Ivy.
Enough said :)