Back then I had this tiny little black Samsung MP3 Player. To be honest I really treasured that device. It was probably one of the first things I'd ever purchased myself in first year uni after working a few months at my first proper casual job as a medical receptionist. The shape of it was like carrying a USB stick and I liked how the writing on the mini screen was this electric light blue that glowed in the dark. I liked how the words of the track would move across the screen in jerks.
Come to think of it, I remember being really cut when my boyfriend at that time lost it. I guess I was attached it.
Anyway I wanted to post my top three favourite tracks back in uni. The tracks I thrashed hard during those trips to and from uni. The ones that constantly made me nearly miss my stop. I was this arts student lost in a web of sociology and psychology. Feels weird to think about those days.
1. Kids by MGMT.
I absolutely loved this track. The original by MGMT is very kooky and spacey and when I heard it for the first time walking past a careers stall at UTS, I memorised just enough of the lyrics to google it as soon as I got home. To this day I still love this song.
Instead of posting the original track I'm going to post a cover of it by another band I loved in uni called The Kooks. Having this awesome band play this track I love puts me on cloud nine.
2. Walking on a Dream by Empire of the Sun.
This song became really popular right before I went to my two month trek backpacking through Asia. Because we both loved the track, my travel mate and I set it as our alarm so each morning, when we were in Vietnam, Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong, we'd wake up to the opening chords of this track. Because of that, when I hear this song I think of those adventures, the snow, the heat, the fun. It was one of the most memories I have.
3. Relapse by Little Birdy.
I was in love with this song. I became a fan of this Indie Band from Perth in Yr 12 when they began releasing songs.
I think a bit of it was because I had a girl crush on Katy Steele's voice. Oops...