The past two weeks have been so so good. Really happy with how things are going right now, with the exception of my door handle breaking from the inside - dang it! Totally random, unexpected and ended up with this bit of plastic in my hand rather than attached to the door. Ooops...
Other than that, the weather has been awesome as well. The sky is this beautiful blue with clouds here and there and the warmth of the sun has been incredible. I had two days off in a row mid week and so randomly bought a bike! Haha I walked it to have a look, mildly curious, and ended up walking out with a new bike vintage styles and with this beautiful rustic red frame.
I've been riding it around the place, to and from the station as well as to my friend's house in Claremont Meadows. It took about 50 minutes to get back home but the initial journey to his place took like an hour and a half because I was biking around the wrong entry point. Seriously, I was going nuts on my bike - not a pretty sight hahah! But still good fun :) Thank GOSH for mobile phones... I would have been stuffed otherwise in some random street in Claremont Meadows like three streets away from his place :)
Why did I buy a bike?
To be honest, I'm not quite so sure but what I do know is that it's like becoming a kid again. When I was younger I was such an avid ride - I'd almost forgotten. I was almost scared when I jumped on the bike to test ride it that I'd totally forgotten how to ride... But the moment I stepped on it was fine - the weirdest feeling.
My dad would take myself, my little sister and my big sis out to the streets and the four of us would just cycle - four in a row. To the most random places but it was fun and it was a good memory. Plus I love that feeling of just hurting uphill and feeling the breeze on my skin as I go downhill.
Frick! Let's just say that it is awesome :)
In other news I've fallen in love with collecting cute, little bright earrings. Alot of girls are into their diamonds, their pearls but for me, I love the little cute earrings which are a bit random and bright. Haha, you really ought to see my earring rack - it will honestly hurt your eyes :)
And finally my favourite is my Pac Man pair.
I love that they are not the same on each side and are a bit kooky and unexpected. Normally people do a double take and ask me, 'Are you wearing Pac Mac earrings?'
Haha. Yes I am :)